On the development and practical application of the theory of sound insulation of cylindrical shells


  • D. Gužas
  • R. Klimas


sound insulation, cylindrical shells and pipelines.


Interest in sound insulation properties of cylindrical shells has been expanding within past five years, their use in reducing environmental noise in various fields [1, 2, 3] was explored. To fully understand the properties of cylindrical shells we should analyze the mechanical properties of constructions, as well as wave propagation and sound radiation. With this aim in view, theoretical presumptions of different authors on this issue were reviewed. The possibilities of the use of the theory of sound insulation of cylindrical shells and pipelines were elucidated.
The authors set a task of creating sound insulation measures by using the complex of cylindrical shells and pipelines with the elements of other forms. In particular, it is possible to go over to statistical characteristics. Finally, of interest could be various corrections, conditioned by the ultimate thickness of the shell. In this connection, it is possible to indicate a number of precise solutions of the dynamic theory of elasticity, suitable for shells of any thickness. However, the concrete numerical results here are still too few.
Theoretical solutions carried out in this paper will help to concentrate attention to the use of the properties elucidated in solving practical engineering issues related to reduction of industrial and environmental noise.




